Solar Panel Efficiency

Through the years, a new quest has begun - to find a new source of renewable energy before the one that people have been relying on for so long runs out. Month after month the news brings problems related to gasoline prices and the scarcity of fossil fuels, which is the main source of energy for many modes of transportation. Many people have risen to the occasion, creating and inventing devices following the concepts of wind and geothermal energy, among others. One of the alternative sources of energy that has received popular attention in recent times is solar energy. Solar energy involves taking sunlight and converting it into a manner usable for appliances, machineries, and the like. Although ancient people have been using sunlight to crudely brighten and heat their homes (in a manner called passive solar technology), this form of solar power cannot be harnessed to bring power to, say, an automobile. As such, scientists have created the panel to harness the sunlight and convert it into an improved means of energy.

The efficiency of homemade solar energy:

Solar Radiant Energy: Ether Elastic Technology

✔ The space itself is the loss of inertia of the dielectric. Faraday: Loss of inertia dielectric produces a magnetic field.

✔ So, the smaller the space, the higher the capacitance

✔ The dielectric is a stress of the Ether, which is elastic. It allows inductive propagation light.

✔ A technology that stimulates Ether elasticity, with resonance, produces free energy:

✔ Pull in infinite energy from the sun with Ether elastic technology

✔ In essence, this is a version created from the original Nikola Tesla version: Radiant energy

Learn more: Build Your Own Solar Panels

Discover the Real Facts About Solar Panel Efficiency

Defining it as basically as possible, solar panel efficiency simply means the amount of energy we get out of a panel after leaving it out in the sun. There a number of ways in which this can be measured. This process of measurement becomes very important because the solar panel efficiency determines its usage, popularity and success. So if you are planning to install a solar panel in your house, check out the facts about solar panel efficiency and you will have a better idea of what to expect from it.

Before the energy efficiency of the panel is measured, the entire energy consumption needs of the house must be measured. Once that is done, the proper solar power panel efficiency can be comprehended. Researchers have discovered that of the entire solar energy hitting the solar power panels, only 20% is transformed into electrical energy. When this energy is used up by the appliances, the efficiency further falls and at times it is seen to be even as low as 5%. This is a problem faced by many people who have installed solar panels at homes. However, with research and review being done constantly, this problem is being tackled.

The above mentioned data has, of course, been derived from laboratory results. It is therefore important to remember that the results can vary as conditions in the lab and at home are often very different. Solar panel efficiency can be more at a lab or at home, depending on the amount of energy consumed, the conditions under which they are used and so on.

The solar power panel efficiency also depends on the manufacturing company of the panels. Some companies produce better quality panels and they have better efficiency and vice-versa. So while buying the solar cell panel, you have to be very careful and select a panel that will give you maximum efficiency. Do some market research, ask your friends who have already installed solar power panels in their homes and you will get a better idea. Go online and try to look for user testimonials as they prove to be very useful.

So if you want to asses the correct solar cell panel efficiency, keep the above mentioned tips in mind. You will be able to find the best solar panels with the highest efficiency. Solar energy is the future and if you are planning to shift to it, you surely are making the right decision!

Factors that affect solar panel efficiency

Solar panels have been consistently increasing in efficiency at about .5% annually since 2010. Numerous scientific factors play into the solar cell efficiency equation. Three major components are
  • Panel material components
  • Reflectance efficiency
  • Thermodynamic efficiency
Monocrystalline vs. polycrystalline refers to the makeup of the solar cells in each type of panel. Monocrystalline refers to solar cells cut from a single source of silicon as opposed to polycrystalline solar cells which are made up of numerous silicon crystals melted together.

Monocrystalline panels tend to be more efficient due to their uniform composition. Additionally, they tend to achieve superior performance in less optimal conditions such as high heat and low light. Nearly all residential panels today are monocrystalline. Polycrystalline panels are typically less efficient due to their more fragmented composition. As a result, these panels tend to cost less than the more efficient monocrystalline panels. 

Reflectance efficiency is determined by how much sunlight is reflected back instead of absorbed and put to use. The less reflection in solar cells, the better. Glass, one of the most important components of a solar panel, reflects a very small portion of the light that falls on it. 

There are ways to reduce reflectance, such as anti-reflective coatings which nearly all solar panels on the market today utilize. 

Thermodynamic efficiency is the maximum efficiency possible. It’s the height at which the sun’s energy could be converted into electricity. This number is right around 86 percent, the thermodynamic efficiency limit.

The way photons interact with solar cells, they can only generate electricity from the sun’s energy up to a certain point. After that point (86 percent) thermal energy, or heat, is created.

One way to improve thermodynamic efficiency is to construct multi-junction or tandem solar cells. This improves efficiency by dividing the solar spectrum into smaller areas, which raises the efficiency limit for each section.

Note. Solar Radiant Energy: Ether Elastic Technology

Elon Musk released the patents of the technology behind electricity storage

I was reading an article a couple of days ago about Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, saying
that they released the patents of their brilliant technology on electricity storage.

This made me think that others took advantage of them in DIY projects.

After some little more research, I’ve found a group on Facebook where people
built some incredible devices with similar technology found in Tesla electric cars.

There was a guy which really took my attention. His name is Michael, he’s a car
mechanic and he built a very nice and simple device which allowed him to keep the house
powered in case the grid failed.

Michael told me how he got started with this, and the simple and efficient way to use
laptop batteries to store large amounts of electricity.

More than that, he found an algorithm which allowed him to charge his electricity storage unit during
the night to avoid peek hours, and managed to save more than 70% on his power bill.

He’s working on an upgrade which allows him to get totally off-grid in the next couple
of months.

Here’s a photo of his setup:

Solar Panel Efficiency

I asked him to make a video presentation about this setup and share the information
with others. And he did, you can watch it here: >> Video Presentation <<

This device has huge potential to save thousands of dollars each month and you will
also learn about a neat solution for recycling used laptop and power tools batteries.

If you are a DIY enthusiast, you cannot miss this free video presentation.

All the best!


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